Jesus, the Good Shepherd


Arise to Wholeness


● Awareness sessions
● Counseling
● Skill Training
● Capacity building
● Talks and group sessions
● Seminars
● Family visits
● Exposure visit
● Medical camp
● Prayer meetings
● Net working with other NGOs
● Running of crèche for infants




On March 3rd, 2024, FIDES had organised Women's day Celebration at FIDES Hall, with around 400 participants. FIDES staff came up with a Prayer dance a powerful statement for celebrating the Father and the love that He has for all of humanity. Sr Sumi Joseph, the Director of FIDES, delivered a warm welcome speech, expressing gratitude to all Dignitaries by honouring them with a Garland and a Shawl.

A symbolic gesture of enlightenment and hope, the lighting of the lamp ceremony- All dignitaries, including Mother Provincial Sr. Lucy Rose, Mrs. Vimala Anand, the Chairperson of Shishu Mandir Child Care Centre, Superior Sr. Sherly Joseph, CDEW Director Sr. Rosy Lopez, Ms. Linu Augustine, and Mr. Sabu Joseph, came together to inaugurate the event by lighting the lamp. Followed by a report highlighting the initiatives and impact in empowering women and uplifting communities was presented, to show the various activities of FIDES. Glimpse of FIDES were presented as a Video to the audience showcasing our dedication in bringing a positive change in the society.

The esteemed Mother Provincial delivered an inspiring talk, sharing her insights on women's leadership and importance and how they can make a positive difference in their family and the society. Mother concluded her talk by saying "When women are happy, homes thrive; when homes thrive, societies flourish."

Followed by the talk, there was a dance performance by the Ulsoor Self-Help Group, celebrating the strength and resilience of women from diverse backgrounds, they conveyed a powerful message about the abilities and determination of women, regardless of their circumstances.

Mrs. Vimala Anand, the esteemed Guest of Honor, delivered an enlightening talk, highlighting the significance of women's empowerment. Drawing inspiration from notable figures such as Mother Teresa, Sister Nancy, Mother Ciara and so on..she provided examples of great women leaders who have made significant contributions to society. Mrs. Anand encouraged the participants to mirror the courage, compassion, and dedication demonstrated by these remarkable women.

The Kaverinagar Self-Help Group showcased their talent through a mesmerizing dance performance. They also collaborated with young girls and together delivered a mind-blowing dance performance. A heartfelt folk song by the Village Self-Help Group celebrated women's heritage and diversity. They also teamed up with Skill Training Students for an energetic Kolata dance, showing unity and joy.

All the dignitaries received a candle with the message "Be a beacon of light" symbolizing their role as guiding lights for those in need. Like a beacon showing a path in the darkness, the dignitaries were encouraged to serve as lights of hope and inspiration for others. Ms. Varsha Veronica, expressing gratitude on behalf of FIDES, delivered a heartfelt vote of thanks, acknowledging the contributions of all participants. The event was concluded by singing the National Anthem and scrumptious meals.



Sr. Nancy Pereira FMA


To ensure united and happy families by promoting health and hygiene, empowering children, young people and women at all levels, and promoting socio economic development.