Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Arise to Wholeness
● Awareness sessions
● Counseling
● Skill Training
● Capacity building
● Talks and group sessions
● Seminars
● Family visits
● Exposure visit
● Medical camp
● Prayer meetings
● Net working with other NGOs
● Running of crèche for infants
Our benefactor MR. R.K. Prasad, CEO & Co-Founder, CommLab India LLP -
Rapid eLearning Solutions, had visited FIDES inorder to meet the children and
their family whom he is helping in their education. Mr. Prasad visited FIDES,
on 29 th September 2021 after 2 long years due to the Covid crisis. At his visit to
FIDES, Sr. Monica the superior welcomed him on behalf of the Salesian Sisters
and community, and continued with small prayer and thanksgiving to the
almighty for everything he is been doing. After this continued with the brief
introduction of Mr.R.K.Prasad by Sr. Alice Chacko, who has been the main
reason to have him with us as our benefactor.
In order to make the moment more joyful there was cake-cutting ceremony with
the benefactor and the children receiving help. It was further proceeded by
Honouring moment to Mr. R.K. Prasad and presented the Humanitarian Award
of Sr. Nancy, along with gift of a lucky bamboo plant for his kindness, love and
generosity. The children also presented a bouquet of flowers as a token of love
and respect and also a diary written with love in their memory and also as
gratitude of what they are now. A special lunch was provided to everyone which
includes the Salesian sisters, FIDES Staff and the children and the benefactor
had together with their casual talks. The benefactor presented dresses to the
children as a symbol of love.
Dr. R.K.Prasad is such a man of simplicity with lots of kindness, humbleness,
who does much service with lots of love, care and concern. His kindness is
presented in the way he takes care of the children, the way he is concerned
about their growth, education and all the other needs, And also he had lunch
with those kids and had a sort of conversation of their life. It was pleasure to
him with us the children and their parents were very happy to have met him
after a long gap.