Jesus, the Good Shepherd


Arise to Wholeness


● Awareness sessions
● Counseling
● Skill Training
● Capacity building
● Talks and group sessions
● Seminars
● Family visits
● Exposure visit
● Medical camp
● Prayer meetings
● Net working with other NGOs
● Running of crèche for infants



World Environment Day Celebration at FIDES

On June 5th, 2024, FIDES had organised World Environment Day. The FIDES Staff and Skill Training students enthusiastically participated in planting as many trees as possible across the campus. Sr Sherly Joseph the Superior of the Provincial house and Sr Sumi Joseph the Director of FIDES were part of this event as well. Everyone wore green outfit symbolizing their support in making the mother Earth greener. Additionally, a poster-making competition was held, showcasing the creativity and environmental awareness of our students. All the students actively participated in the competition. Along with the Environment Day celebration we also organized a small welcome to Sr Litveena Kasper the new Quest Co Ordinator. There could be no better occasion than this to welcome her into the FIDES Family. Sr Sherly Joseph the Superior of the of the Provincial House honoured and welcomed Sr Litveena with a Shawl, Garland and a bouquet. All the students welcomed her with a huge round of applause. Following this, the Plantation drive commenced. Sr Sherly Joseph put a start to the program by planting a tree along with the staff and students. All the students not only planted today also promised to take care of the plants they planted, in the upcoming days. All the them put in their efforts to make this event a successful one, Sr Sumi Joseph the Director of FIDES appreciated their dedication in making our common home a better place to live in. After the plantation drive all the staff and students got busy as per their schedules.



Sr. Nancy Pereira FMA


To ensure united and happy families by promoting health and hygiene, empowering children, young people and women at all levels, and promoting socio economic development.