Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Arise to Wholeness
● Awareness sessions
● Counseling
● Skill Training
● Capacity building
● Talks and group sessions
● Seminars
● Family visits
● Exposure visit
● Medical camp
● Prayer meetings
● Net working with other NGOs
● Running of crèche for infants
Parents’ involvement in the education of Migrant children
It’s easy to motivate migrant children regarding education but to motivate
parents is a bit challenging task. So with the support of ISI (Indian social
institute) Sr.Vennila the animator of children’s program organized a parent’s
engagement/ involvement program for evening coaching children at Water
tank – Avalahalli. Around 40 people participated in it and 5 youth volunteered
in the event. Fr. Vivek SDB was the resource person of the day who
enlightened the people through his simple message the importance of
education and parents’ responsibilities in abolishing child marriage and child
labour. He quoted about Ambedkar and Abdul Kalam who though from a poor
family came up in life with their education and love for reading. He also made
them understand that knowledge is wealth, No money can buy it. He made it
interactive and involving. Parents were happy and grateful for the
awarenessthey received. Sr. Vennila thanked Fr. Vivek for his generous
availability and sharing the knowledge. She Sr. Venila motivated the parents
and children to take care of the common home. She exhorted them not to
increase plastic, the consequences of using plastic, not to throw garbage
around. She invited them along with children and parents to clean the area
and maintain it with cleanliness in the month of March. All the participants
were given snacks. FIDES’ work among migrants is progressive and creative.