Jesus, the Good Shepherd


Arise to Wholeness


● Awareness sessions
● Counseling
● Skill Training
● Capacity building
● Talks and group sessions
● Seminars
● Family visits
● Exposure visit
● Medical camp
● Prayer meetings
● Net working with other NGOs
● Running of crèche for infants



Apex body meeting in Kaverinagar
The SHG apex body met at Kaverinagar on October 6th, 2021. Mr. Samuel greeted everyone with a bouquet. The meeting's main theme was "the effective relaunched of the SHG apex body, as well as the redimensioning of the task." Mr. Samuel began the meeting by presenting the report from the last meeting.

After the previous meeting's report was considered, Mr. Samuel brought up the matter of loan repayment. In Samuel's report, Sr Sumi offered a point concerning persons who do not take out loans and they are not considered. Following a discussion over Samuel's hesitancy to take out a loan, the SHG's apex body meeting came up with a solution, announcing that loans would be issued based on personal savings.

After the discussion of loans, everyone expressed their dissatisfaction with SHG group meetings; some people refuse to attend, and many groups are disbanding due to a lack of excitement.

Mr. Samuel and Sr. Sumi urged the SHG apex body members to expand their clubs by recruiting more women. The apex body of the SHG should meet more often. At last Sr Sumi asked for voluntaries to form a federation team to make the SHG groups active, many came forward to give their names to form a team.

Mr Samuel moved a vote of gratitude after the SHG Apex body meeting had discussed all of the issues and the chairman declared the meeting closed. After a nice tea snack, the members separated.



Sr. Nancy Pereira FMA


To ensure united and happy families by promoting health and hygiene, empowering children, young people and women at all levels, and promoting socio economic development.