Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Arise to Wholeness
● Awareness sessions
● Counseling
● Skill Training
● Capacity building
● Talks and group sessions
● Seminars
● Family visits
● Exposure visit
● Medical camp
● Prayer meetings
● Net working with other NGOs
● Running of crèche for infants
Women’s day celebration 2017 Back
Woman is the light of the earth. The women’s day was commemorated on 12th March 2017 in FIDES community with the theme “Be Bold for Change”. The SHG members under the leadership of animators and Directress of organization gathered together to celebrate the day as the day of raising women’s voice for their right. The resource person for the programme, Ms. Jyothi, programme coordinator of Ashalaya flamed the hearts of the gathering with rich thoughts. Sr. Anna Chacko the superior of Provincial house gave a meaningful message for the gathering. In the addresses by the resource persons they mentioned that the woman is light of the family and society. The day was an event for the women to remember many great leaders who had stood for the rights of the women. It overwhelmed that the women should have the equal rights as that of a man in the society. The celebration also was adorned with different programmes by the women.
