Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Arise to Wholeness
● Awareness sessions
● Counseling
● Skill Training
● Capacity building
● Talks and group sessions
● Seminars
● Family visits
● Exposure visit
● Medical camp
● Prayer meetings
● Net working with other NGOs
● Running of crèche for infants
Community initiative programme on‘WORLD WATER DAY 2022’
Theme: “Save Water Drive†&Awareness on eco-friendly plastic bricks.
Awareness programme for migrant community (Ramaya colony and
Water tank (Chennakannahalli) on how to use and conserve water in a
sustainable manner and reduce and reuse plastics.
Venue: Ramaiah Colony and Water tank -Chennakannahalli, Bangalore.
Date: 22 nd March 2022 at Ramaiah Colony and 23 March 2022 at Water
Time: 4:30 – 6 pm
FIDES (Family Integral Development Education Scheme)
Beneficiaries: Migrant children and families
No. of beneficiaries: 80 participants from Ramaya colony and 50 from Water
tank, 10 youth and two MSW students
The programme started at on 22 nd March 2022 at 4:30 pm after gathering and
teaching children slogans on ‘save water’ at Ramaya colony. The program was
initiated in the migrant community by spreading awareness on the importance
of water, how to save water, conserve and use it in a sustainable manner.
Secondly how to reduce and reuse plastic. The resource person Sr. Venila
Dominic with the support of FIDES youth and volunteers conducted the rally
with children holding placards and singing slogans on the significance of ‘save
water’. The rally covered the whole Ramaya colony with FIDES staff, youth and
MSW 1 st year volunteer students. The children took active parting the rally. The
people of the area encouraged the participants by paying attention to the rally.
With much enthusiasm the children gathered the family members for the next
session which was a mime on save water. In the meantime, the youth and
volunteers distributed snacks to the children and their families. Another
motive of distributing snacks was to collect the plastic wrappers and make use
of it. The families and children were excited to watch the mime that was
displayed to the audience on the theme. The play shows on how we should use
water wisely in order to avoid water scarcity in future. This aims to develop a
sense of significance on the usage of water and motivate them.
The programme came to an end, by two MSW 1 st year students 1) Aleena Biju
and 2) Ambika Mech demonstrating on how to make use of plastic bottles and
wrappers into a plastic brick or eco bricks with the help of Sr Vennila. They
collected plastics and bottles with the help of the children with the intention of
teaching them uses of plastics and bottles instead of polluting the river and
littering the area, using the garbage space that is allotted to them. One of the
reasons this initiative took place is because of the pond that is at the back of
the area which is polluted and used by the members and poses a threat to
hazardous health problems. These bottle bricks are eco-friendly which has zero
cost and are reusable, hence helps in cleaning the environment. This same
awareness program was organized at water tank – Cheenagenahalli on 23 rd
March 2022 for the children and parents around 50 beneficiaries benefited
from it.
The resource person was successful in making the program interactive,
insightful and energetic. The participants had a new learning and were
motivated to practice making use of Eco bricks. Ms. Ambika Mech, MSW 1 st
year wound up the session with a vote of thanks expressing her gratitude
towards the resource person, participants, members of the slum
community and the volunteers.