Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Arise to Wholeness
● Awareness sessions
● Counseling
● Skill Training
● Capacity building
● Talks and group sessions
● Seminars
● Family visits
● Exposure visit
● Medical camp
● Prayer meetings
● Net working with other NGOs
● Running of crèche for infants
On 29 th April 2023, FIDES along with ASHIRVAD organized a Leadership program in the FIDES Hall for about 55 young people. The day began by invoking the blessings of God through a prayer song by Emanual a Medical coding student followed by a welcome speech.
Fr. Pradeep the resource person started with a game called 'Bird and the Cage' to break the ice and build relationship among the students. Father concluded the game saying "different people in different ways come into our life but we should not lose the spark in us".
A motivational session followed by Fr. Vishal. Fr spoke about leadership and inspiring personalities. Father made everyone understand that leadership is not self-declaration or expecting everyone to get in line and follow him or her to the destination, but it is the way others follow us based on the quality of our actions rather than the magnitude of our declarations. All were inspired by Fr. Vishal's session.
The resource person Fr. Pradeep came up with an interesting activity to teach the participants group work. A chart was given to all 4 groups consisting of 8 to 10 participants each. Each participant had 30 seconds to draw anything that gives a message to the crowd. Each one had different ideas and came up with a beautiful drawing spreading lot of awareness. The participants learnt the benefits of team work. Father concluded the session giving more awareness regarding team work.
Lunch was sponsored by Ashirvad and prepared by FIDES staff. After the lunch since all were in a sleepy mood, Fr. Arul taught a penguin dance which woke up everyone and got them ready for the next session.
Then Br. Joswin took a session on how to respond while we are under pressure using a coffee bean. Even when the coffee bean is roasted and blended it spreads its aroma and presents itself well, similarly we shouldn't burst out or go into depression while we are pressurized rather try to get stronger mentally and stay stable. No one can understand a person better than himself. So, we were told to understand our own self first then help others to understand themselves. The day
concluded with the feedback session during which some of the participants expressed their feelings and what they learned from the session.
