Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Arise to Wholeness
● Awareness sessions
● Counseling
● Skill Training
● Capacity building
● Talks and group sessions
● Seminars
● Family visits
● Exposure visit
● Medical camp
● Prayer meetings
● Net working with other NGOs
● Running of crèche for infants
A Session On Leadership And Personality Development
Leaders aren’t born they are made.
On 5 th Feb 2023, FIDES along with the support of ASHIRWAD held session about leadership
and personality development to the youth. Time and again we thank god for everything
especially for Rev.Fr. Arun Luis, he’s always been the support system for all the activities at
FIDES. We consider ourselves blessed to having got the opportunity to have him at our
centre as a chief guest. We also had our Resource Person Rev.Fr. Edward Philip, D SJ. He
has been going our conducting seminars, workshops and training programmes for teachers,
students, parents and the religious. Now FIDES youth had got this opportunity to attend one
of his sessions.
The day was begun by invoking the presence of God, the choir group sung a song to help us
communicate to God. The dignitaries on the dais were requested to light the lamp and put a
beginning for the further functioning of the program.
Too many people say that leadership cannot be taught. But we had Fr. Edward to make this
statement false. It was truly an eye opener to most of the participants. He really set out minds
to think.
Starting with the problems faced by the Youth in India, many young people are educated but
unemployed, struck by poverty, are not able to communicate their inner thoughts, not able to
make decisions, lacking motivation etc., said Fr. He also spoke about External and Internal
Factors , External Factors that are affecting the youth are unemployment, poverty, illiteracy,
drugs, migration. Corruption etc.,. Internal factors are low self esteem, fear, no trust, negative
outlook, comparison, life without goals etc.
A Leader is one who makes others better as a result of his presence and makes sure that the
impacts last even in his absence. That is what Fr. Edward did.
Delicious lunch was provided; all enjoyed the meals and got back for the sessions.
To keep the sessions interesting and more interactive father had conducted several games. All
enjoyed it thoroughly. The activities were not only entertaining but also informative.
All the youth realised that “Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example”.
All sung the National Anthem and left with some tea and snacks.