Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Arise to Wholeness
● Awareness sessions
● Counseling
● Skill Training
● Capacity building
● Talks and group sessions
● Seminars
● Family visits
● Exposure visit
● Medical camp
● Prayer meetings
● Net working with other NGOs
● Running of crèche for infants
Job Fair at FIDES
On 20 th August 2024, FIDES Trust had organized a job fair for all the unemployed young people. There
were around 20 companies and above 85 candidates looking for the job had come under one roof.
The day
was begun by invoking the presence of God by a prayer song followed by a welcome speech by
Ms Vandana FIDES staff.
To traditionally put a start to the program a lamp was being lit by Sr Sumi
Joseph, Sr Fathima Mary , Representatives from the companies and a Student representative. Following
this, guidelines were given on how to attend the interview, the eligibility criteria and the facilities
available were let known to all the participants.
After this all the representatives from the companies were
invited onto the stage to introduce their company’s policies, vision and eligibility criteria.
All the students based on the eligibility attended the interviews.
Most of them were happy about the
opportunity provided by FIDES. Some were also issued offer letters on spot confirming their job offer.
All the representatives from the companies had a scrumptious meals and left.
FIDES Director and Staff
were happy about the success of this event.